Vellis Group

Mission And Vision

Of the 1.5 billion+ waste tyres that are generated every year worldwide, 6% are in India. In addition, India also imports around three lakh tonnes of tyres to recycle every year. 

Every year over 1.6 billion new tires are generated and around 1 billion of waste tires are generated. However, the recycling industry processed only 100 million tires every year. 

While India generates about 1.5 million tons of ELT per annum. Only 450,000 tons is recycled by the formal sector.  

 NGT data shows that India discards around 275,000 tyres each year, but there does not exist any comprehensive plan for them


Know The Industry

38 Years Of Experience In Luxury Real Estate

“Owning a home is a keystone of wealth, both financial affluence and emotional security.”

Suze Orman

understand the market

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Build People's Dreams

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas enim libero, dignissim vitae ultrices et, luctus id urna. spendisse mollis tincidunt tortor vel malesuada. In nec dapibus sapien. Aliquam et lacus eget quam dignissim fringilla sed vitae sapien.

Work Hard to Succeed

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